Success Stories

Success Stories


Dr.Vinod Shah, M.D., is a highly accomplished physician, renowned gastroenterologist, associated with many prominent hospitals in the city, teacher of medicine and honorary physician to the Governor of Maharashtra. The overpowering inner urge to be of service to people who needed it most got the better of him and he founded the Janaseva Foundation on 15th January 1988.


children education

children education

Mission Education began in 2002 as a response to the received need for a quality education programme to educate the disadvantaged and out of school children in India.


People Provided Healthcare

People Provided Healthcare

Janseva Foundation on wheels is a mobile healthcare programme that takes preventive curative and promotive healthcare to the doorsteps of less privileged children and families in the remotest villages and underserved slums of India.


grassroots organizations trained & empowered

grassroots organizations trained & empowered

A national capacity building initiative, Empowering Grassroots is aimed at handholding training and enabling community-based organisations (CBOs) to maximise their impact on the ground

Our Success Stories