Elderly Care

Elderly Care

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Infants supported
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Paediatric Cardiac Surgeries
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Elderly Care

Compassionate Elderly Care Services by Janseva Foundation

Welcome to Janaseva Foundation: Caring for Our Senior Citizens.
Janaseva Foundation is committed to enhancing the lives of senior citizens through comprehensive elderly care services. We provide safe and supportive old age homes in Maharashtra, along with assisted living facilities designed to meet individual needs. Our initiatives include nutritious meal programs, pension scheme assistance, and regular health camps for senior citizens to ensure their well-being. We promote social engagement through community activities and offer counseling services to address emotional and mental health needs. By creating a nurturing environment, we empower the elderly to lead fulfilling lives with dignity and care. Join us in making a meaningful difference for our senior community.

”Sahyog Seva Samarpan”


Old Age Homes

Janaseva Foundation operates Late Haribhai V. Desai Old Age Home – I & II and Shri Rasiklal Manikchand Dhariwal Old Age Home, established through generous donations from Shri Nitinbhai Desai, in memory of Late Shri Haribhai V. Desai, and from Late Shri Rasiklal Manikchand Dhariwal and Mrs. Shobha Dhariwal.

Currently, 200 elderly residents live in these homes, out of which 160 stay completely free, while the remaining contribute based on their financial capacity. The foundation ensures that residents receive a nutritious, well-balanced diet tailored to their health needs, including RT feeding for those who require it. The homes provide an environment of entertainment, social interaction, and inclusion, significantly enhancing the quality of life, longevity, and overall well-being of the elderly, ensuring they lead a dignified and active life.

The foundation also provides specialized care for physically and mentally disabled elderly residents. Additionally, the rural hospital and nursing school located within the same complex offer round-the-clock (24×7) medical care to all residents.

Late Shri Haribhai V. Desai Old Age Home Wing II – An Affordable Old Age Home

This old age home was specifically constructed to serve the parents of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). It consists of 16 double-occupancy rooms, primarily designed for elderly couples.

Each well-furnished room includes:
✔ Two beds
✔ A cupboard
✔ A refrigerator
✔ A television
✔ A computer
✔ A microwave oven

Residents also have access to a common room for social interactions with fellow senior citizens. Vegetarian meals are served either in the common dining hall or in their rooms, depending on individual preferences.

Kitchen and Dining Hall

We are obliged to Shri Nitinbhai Desai for funding the construction of Specious Kitchen & Dining Hall having modern facilities e.g. latest kitchen equipment’s, exhaust facility, gas pipeline etc. Now all the inmates eat their meals together and interaction amongst them has increased.

Day Care Centre for Senior Citizens

Inaugurated in 1999 by Shri Ratnakar Gaikwad, former Chief Secretary, Govt. of Maharashtra in the presence of our patrons Late Padmavibhushan, Dr. Mohan Dharia and Shri Nitinbhai Desai, it was initially supported by the Lions Club of Pune Ganeshkhind, with contributions from its members. Activities at the centre include meditation, yoga, Gita classes, physiotherapy, indoor and outdoor games, computer classes, and social work, with 50 to 60 senior citizens visiting daily. The centre has been visited by members of IFA, WHO, World Bank, and the United Nations.

Regional Resource & Training Centre (RRTC)

In order to improve the quality of life of elders Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJ&E), Government of India, is running the Regional Resource and Training centres (RRTCs) through various NGOs. NGOs doing exemplary work in the field of elderly care are chosen to be RRTCs for specific region of India.

Janaseva Foundation’s RRTC is operating in states of Maharashtra (Vidarbha region), Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Div & Daman. It was inaugurated by Hon’ble Shri Rajkumar Badole, Minister, Social Justice and Special Assistance, Govt. of Maharashtra on 19th August 2016. It conducts 1 day sensitization programmes in various schools and colleges, 3 & 5 days training programmes on Elderly Care & Alzheimer and 3 months training on Geriatric Care. It also reports to MSJ&E about working conditions of various Old Age Homes after visiting them and doing inspection.

Research Articles / Papers Published

Research Article / Paper Journal
Fifteen Dimensions of Health & their Association with Quality of Life among Elderly in Rural Villages in Maharashtra (India)
Indian Journal of Gerontology, Vol. 31, No 1, 2017 (January 2017)
Factors influencing prevalence of dental caries, oral health awareness and dental treatment seeking behaviour of elderly populationin rural Maharashtra
Indian Journal of Dental Research
Knowledge Attitude and behaviours on diet physical activity and tobacco use among school students
F1000 Research, 2nd Aug 2021
Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy : a community based household survey in Pune district of Maharashtra, India
Journal of Global Health Reports, Vol. 6, 2022
Institutional Life of Elderly Persons in the Old Age Homes of Janaseva Foundation, Pune
International Journal of Novel Research and Development volume 9, issue 3, March 2024
Nutritional Status Among the Street Children in Pune City
International Journal of Novel Research and Development, Gujrat, Volume 9, Nov. 2024
Health Status of the Elderly Living in the Old Age Homes of Janaseva Foundation, Pune
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, Gurugram Volume 13 Ser.2, May. – June. 2024
Digital Literacy and its Use by the Elderly in Maharashtra
International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), Gujarat Volume 6, September-October, 2024

Staff employed under Integrated Programme for Senior Citizens

FY 2023-24

Name Gender Category Educational Qualification Designation
Dr. B.T. Lawani
MSW, Mphil, PhD
Project Director
Mr. Bharat Ambadas Gaikwad
Project Co-ordinator
Mr. Jayvant Mantri
Program Officer cum Accountant
Mr. Shahajl B. Bore
Data Operator
Mr. Ashok V. Mandavkar

FY 2024-25

Name Gender Category Educational Qualification Designation
Dr. B.T. Lawani
MSW, Mphil, PhD
Project Director
Mr. Sunil Kathare
Project Co-ordinator
Mr. Jayvant Mantri
Program Officer cum Accountant
Mr. Ashok V. Mandavkar
Support Staff
Ms. Kiran Karnik
CA Final Year

Elder Line – 14567

ELDER LINE – 14567 is a National Helpline for Senior Citizens (NHSrC) set up by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India, implemented nationwide by National Institute of Social Defence (NISD). Janaseva Foundation, Pune is an implementing agency for the state of Maharashtra. It started functioning officially from 1st August 2021 however it was launched nationwide by the then Vice President of India Hon’ble Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu to celebrate International Day of Older People on 1st October 2021

Services offered to senior citizens are broadly categorized into providing free Information, Guidance, Emotional support & Field intervention and in cases of abandoned & abused elderly is to rescue them and try to reunite them with their families. From May 2021 to Marcg 2024 Elder Line has handled 325343 calls.

Century clubs

Janaseva Foundation started this novel activity for the senior citizens aged 75 years and above at Navi Peth. Due to mobility problems faced by the elderly and to involve more elderly from different suburbs of Pune, foundation expanded this activity to Sahakarnagar, Aundh Road, Vishrantwadi, Phulenagar, Dhanakawadi, Kothrud, Vadgaonsheri, Suncity – Sinhagad road.

These clubs offer senior citizens opportunity to meet other senior citizens from the same age group. Senior Citizens aged below 75 years can become volunteers for these clubs and help in arranging various programmes etc. They have their meetings once a month and various programmes are arranged which include entertainment, educative, health topics etc. They also arrange outdoor activities. Each club is managed by its members and has an elected President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Late Mrs. Kanchanben Hirabhai Shah (Chokhawala) Sanskrutik Bhavan

It was inaugurated on 9thNovember, 2009 by Dr. Narendra Jadhav, former member of Rajya Sabha and consists of a big hall having audio video equipment for conducting lectures and presentations, and has a library. It serves as a meeting place for the elderly from our old age homes and surrounding villages and for arranging informative lectures on various issues related to elderly. Celebrating festivals, Yoga classes, cultural and musical programs, bhajans are conducted regularly. Conferences and seminars are held. It was renamed Mrs. Kanchanben Hirabhai Shah (Chokhawala) Sanskrutik Bhavan on 28/12/2014 in presence of Pujya Acharya Shri Chandanaji.

Celebrating International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) - Anand Melava

Since 2002 every year foundation celebrates International Day of Older People referred to as Anand Melava with participation from various ministries and other organizations. It’s a day long get-together of more than 3,000 senior citizens from Pune and Maharashtra. The program includes breakfast, lunch, felicitation of 10-15 well known senior citizens who are aged 80 years & above and 100 years, entertainment programs, educative lectures and a spiritual discourse. Many dignitaries and experts participate and guide the senior citizens. Over the years Ministers from Central Govt. Chief Minister of Maharashtra, many Cabinet & State Ministers including governor of Maharashtra had participated in this event and guided the senior citizens.

Regional (Vibhagiya) Anand Melava

Since year 2024 foundation started celebrating Regional Anand Melava at various locations in Pune city with the help of senior citizen organizations and respective regional senior citizens clubs.

Meet the Stalwart

Under ‘Meet the Stalwart’ programme, foundation invites accomplished veterans from various walks of life for an open interview and interaction which is hoped to serve as a source of inspiration and energy for the ageing and youth as it gives them an opportunity to see these renowned personalities and learn from their lives.

It is conducted every 4-5 months along with various senior citizen orgnizations since 2004 and so far have interviewed LT Gen. (Retd.) Moti Dar, Padmavibhushan Dr. Mohan Dharia, Shri B.G. Deshmukh, former Chief Secretary, Govt. of India, Shri Prabhakar Panshikar, Padmavibhushan Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, Padmabhushan Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, Dr. Sharatchandra Gokhale, Dr. Narendra Jadhav, Dr. Gururaj Mutalik, Padmabhushan Dr. S.B. Mujumdar, Prof (Dr.) Vishwanath D. Karad, Shri Dilip Prabhavalkar, Shri. Mangesh Padgaonkar, Padmashri Prataprao Pawar, Shri Rantakar Gaikwad, former Chief Secretary, Maharashtra, Bahri B.R. Malhotra, Padmashri Anu Aga, Shri Nitinbhai Desai and lately Dr. Abhay Firodia.

We have published a book in Marathi titled “Bhetuya Eka Diggajala” containing translated transcriptions of these interviews at the hands of former Governor of Maharashtra Bhagat Singh Koshyari. Hon’ble Smt. Pratibha Patil & Hon’ble Shri Ram Nath Kovind, former Presidents of India have been presented this book and they suggested to get it translated into English.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)

June 15 is designated as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by the United Nations General Assembly. Janaseva Foundation along with the Department of Social Justice and Special Assistance, Government of Maharashtra, Elder helpline 14567, HelpAge India, FESCOM, ASCOP, Ekta Yog Trust, Pune Municipal Corporation, Mukund Madhav Foundation, Bharatiya Yog Sansthan, Navchaitanya Hasya Yoga Parivar, Senior Citizen Federation and various organizations from Pune city, Punyadham Ashram, Geriatric Society of India etc. organize a program for elderly wherein invitees enlighten the audience on Elder Abuse and other related topics. Initially this programme was organized at Punya Dham Ashram in the presence of Chief of Ashram Pujya Mataji Kashyap and after 2 years it is being organized at Balgandharv Rang Manch.

News bulletin – Ageing & Longevity News

Janaseva Foundation has started its news bulletin “Ageing & Longevity News” since last 8 years based on various issues of elderly which is circulated widely both in print and electronic form. Articles and useful information is contributed by senior citizens and the experts from all over India. International Federation on Ageing (IFA), Canada, has kindly given permission to print articles from it’s own news bulletin.

Networking of NGOs

To initiate cooperation and exchange of information and to build united platform to discuss and work on various issues of elderly Janaseva Foundation, Lions Clubs of Pune. Pune Municipal Corporation, International Longevity Centre – India, Help Age, Association of Senior Citizens’ Organisations of Pune (ASCOP), Federation of Senior Citizens’ Organisations of Maharashtra (FESCOM), etc. had organized 3 days workshop.

Age Friendly Cities

Dr. Vinod Shah and Mrs. Meena Shah had participated in Age Friendly City workshop arranged by WHO in May 2010 in Melbourne with recommendation of Shri Mahesh Zagade, then Commissioner of Pune Municipal Corporation, and thereafter they pursued this matter with Pune Municipal Corporation and with Shri Ratnakar Gaikwad, then Chief Secretary, Maharashtra State. The draft of ‘Developing Cities into Age Friendly Cities’ was submitted to Pune Municipal Corporation and to Shri Ratnakar Gaikwad to be implemented in other cities of Maharashtra. Shri Gaikwad then brought out circular with instructions to many Municipal Corporations of Maharashtra State to make their cities Age Friendly.

Prevention of Elderly Abuse

Elderly abuse is a significant issue afflicting senior citizens both nationally and internationally. In India misuse of laws like 498A and Domestic Violence leads to wrongful imprisonment of seniors. To address this Janaseva Foundation in collaboration with IFA, ILC-I, FESCOM, ASCOP, and other organizations, organized a workshop on elderly abuse in February 2011, followed by meetings to draft an amendment. The draft was sent to the law minister, home minister, and relevant officials. Dr. Vinod Shah also met with former President Pratibhatai Patil and the law minister resulting into amendment of MWPSC Act 2007 in 2019.