Conferences Seminars & Lectures

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Conferences & Seminars

Conferences, Seminars & Lectures by Janseva Foundation

Dr. Vinod Shah & Mrs. Meena Shah represented Janaseva Foundation in United Nations Organization and participated in the 9th Working Session of the United Nations Open-ended Working Group on strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons at New York from 23rd to 26th July 2018. Earlier Mr. Surender Kumar, Mr. Kuldeep Bhardwaj, Mr. Satish Sheth & Mrs. Sushma Sheth had represented Janaseva Foundation at UN meetings. Dr. Vinod Shah & Mrs. Meena Shah participated in UN Webinar and Dr. Shah submitted inputs to UN on Long Term care and Palliative Care, Autonomy and Independence in India, Elderly abuse – A challenge, Making eradication of poverty an integral Objective of all policies: what will it take? etc.

”Sahyog Seva Samarpan”


Dr. Vinod Shah & Mrs. Meena Shah represented Janaseva Foundation in United Nations Organization and participated in the 9th Working Session of the United Nations Open-ended Working Group on strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons at New York from 23rd to 26th July 2018. Earlier Mr. Surender Kumar, Mr. Kuldeep Bhardwaj, Mr. Satish Sheth & Mrs. Sushma Sheth had represented Janaseva Foundation at UN meetings.

Dr. Vinod Shah & Mrs. Meena Shah participated in UN Webinar and Dr. Shah submitted inputs to UN on Long Term care and Palliative Care, Autonomy and Independence in India, Elderly abuse - A challenge, Making eradication of poverty an integral Objective of all policies: what will it take? etc.

Dr. Shah participated as an expert in ageing in expert group meeting by WHO South East Asia Regional Office, New Delhi to review the document on long term and palliative care for elderly on 17-18 March 2016 to review and adapt the draft paper on ‘palliative care and elderly’.

Dr. Vinod Shah & Mrs. Meena Shah participated in Age friendly Environments Post Conference Workshop on ‘WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities’ on 7 May 2010.

Dr. Shah participated in Regional consultation on a strategic framework for Active Healthy Ageing in the South-East Asia Region, Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 15th to 17th December 2009, arranged by WHO, Regional Office for South – East Asia.

Participated as expert on healthy ageing in the “Regional Meeting on Healthy Ageing” held in Bangkok, Thailand during 26-28 October 2016 by WHO South East Asia Regional Office.

Janaseva Foundation had ORGANIZED National Consultation on ‘Active and Healthy Aging’ sponsored by WHO (SEARO) and in collaboration with ILC-I from 24th to 26th November 2010 wherein officials concerned with elderly care from many states of India participated.

Participated in “National Conference on Ageing” held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi from 6-7th November, 2012 organised by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Ageing Division, Govt. of India.

Participated in National Conference on Inclusive Growth Opportunities for Senior Citizens organized by UNFPA & Planning Commission at New Delhi, from 20th to 21st November, 2012.

Presented papers on problems of aging at 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th Global Conferences of International Federation on Ageing.

Presented a paper in an International Conference on Ageing in Asia at Hyderabad, 16-18 February 2003.

Janaseva Foundation & WHO - SEARO jointly organised 3 days Training Program for Primary Care Physicians in Pune, followed by evaluation session and in October 2021 a training program for doctors, nurses and health workers was arranged.